Before Week Six: offer your reflection on one of the following passages: Matt 14:22-36; Matt 15:7-9; Matt 17:1-13.
In one or two paragraphs prepare a response and reflection by leaving a comment to this post. When preparing your reflection make sure to consider the surrounding literary context. Meaning, if I am writing about Matt 1:21 it is necessary to understand the meaning of this passage by reading all of chapter 1 (and even chapter 2).
Further, each week use this blog as a means to respond to other peoples reflection.
For continued education on biblical interpretation, church history, and Christian theology check out the YouTube videos toward the bottom on the right.
Matthew 17:1-13
There is one thing – probably not of much consequence that I have pondered over many years about the transfiguration of Jesus… Was Jesus transfigured/transformed to be in his glory – and is that what the disciples saw or did the eyes of the disciples that were with him get supernaturally opened to see Jesus as he really was? In Luke’s account of the transfiguration (Luke 9:30,31) it is revealed that Jesus, Moses, and Elijah were discussing Jesus’ departure (crucifixion) from Jerusalem. To see these three men in their glory – had to be a comfort to the three witnessing disciples and for them to pass on to the others that they had a taste of heaven – that we will be with Jesus on that day. They may not have understood what was going on in the moment – but at least Peter wanted to reside there – but to have that experience and then when their world came crashing down with the death of Jesus – they had this life-changing event to rely on as times became uncertain following the death of Jesus.
Matthew 15:7-9
The Pharisees and teachers of the law enjoyed making rules to go along with the Law that basically changed how the Law was intended. In this circumstance it had to do with honoring parents; the Pharisees circumvented the law by saying that people and perhaps they could decide not to take care of their responsibilities toward their parents. They added many regulations that were not intended in the Law in order to make themselves look more righteous.
Jesus does not like self-righteousness, because true righteousness comes from Him alone.
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