Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Engaging Matthew.mp4

Introduction video for the book study on the Gospel According to Matthew at City Hill Fellowship.


Steve McKinion said...

Great intro, Shawn. I wish I could be there to walk through Matthew with you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I miss you, Doc.

Dan Kral said...

I am looking forward to the class Shawn. A few decades ago I read two books by a Jewish Rabbi who had Jesus revealed to him - One was "Jesus in Genesis" and the other was "Jesus in Exodus." The author is Michael Esses (D.H.L.). They were great books to read as a new Christian back in the 1970's. I looked on Amazon and they are no longer in print - but used copies are available. These two books showed me early on in my Christian life that the Bible pointed to Jesus.

Unknown said...

Thanks Dan. I will see if I can get my hands on those books. If you are interested in a contemporary author I recommend John Sailhamer and his The Meaning of the Pentateuch. I read it over the summer and was compelled by several of his arguments, especially the aspect of faith being a central component to knowing God - In the Pentateuch and the entire Bible.