Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Yes I said "kerfuffle." Find out why . . .

I have posted the following video, and provided the subsequent links, in hopes to spur Christians on into seeking truth. 

My perspective on this debate is as follows: I believe John MacArthur loves Jesus, and as one author stated, a biography will be written of him. His contribution to the Kingdom of God is immense. However, he does makes statements that, at the very least, infer that Charasmatics and Pentecostals are deceived and perhaps unsaved. Some people will defend MacArthur saying that to make this kind of inference is taking him out of context. Those with Charismatic and Pentecostal sympathies will cry foul. At the very least MacArthur pushes the preverbal envelope.
I've included some links below from both sides if you're interested in checking this out for yourself:

For MacArthur's "Strange Fire" book, click here.

Strange Fire website here.

A blog against MacArthur's view about the Holy Spirit, click here.

Here is someone's take on the accusations against MacArthur. He defends MacArthur and believes some of his statements have been taken out of context.

Here is Pastor Mark Driscoll's invite to MacArthur to attend an upcoming conference.

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