Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The LOCAL church and its theological depth

Why do you attend your church? Is it because you grew up in the church of your parents and therefore continue that same tradition? Do you attend a particular church out of convenience? Perhaps it is located right across the street. Or, do you attend a church out of theological conviction? That is, what that church believes about the Bible you believe as well.

American Pluralism has been on the move for 30 years plus (depending on who is counting) and it is only going to pick up more steam. As a result unthoughtful Christians sit in the pews that are lead by unthoughtful pastors and ministers. During a time where theological conviction needs to be made clear, instead there seems to be an insistence upon toleration because the society demands it.
This is a prophetic warning (that is not all too unpredictable). If local churches do not reclaim biblical authority and teach doctrine to church members, it will only be a matter of time when Unitarianism creeps in . . . and ultimately destroys the gospel presence.

Lest anyone thinks that this prophetic warning advocates the church to separate from culture, like fundamentalist churches, it does not. Further, the normative principle and not the regulative principle should be held by churches so that gospel can be articulated effectively to culture. Engaging culture is a command by Christ (Matt 28; Acts 1:1-8). To be evangelical means to evangelize and be unapologetic about the mission of God. However, local churches need to equip the people with the depths and truths of Scripture, so that they are prepared and have confidence to preach the unadulterated Gospel.

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