Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why Theology is Important

I often hear the argument “theology is just intellectualizing the Bible” or “why do you need to learn about theology and doctrine when you have the Bible?” Statements and questions like these are well intentioned. I understand the sentiment and can sympathize with the motives. Too many times I have heard a sermon which elaborated the great theological truths of scripture while the congregation sits in the pew not to understand a word. The Lord knows that I have given this type of message.

My call for preachers and lay people today is to understand the great theological truths of the Bible and at the same time communicate them in a contextual manner. The fact is simply this – all people who attempt to understand the Bible are creating in their mind theological positions. The real question is whether they are creating good theology or bad theology. Theology matters because everyone does it. However, not everyone does is well.

Let me argue my point from another perspective. I recently listened to a sermon where a faithful pastor exposited a passage from the Gospel of Matthew. Throughout the course of his sermon he warned against people who speak theologically while ignoring the Bible. This is an asinine statement. What this preacher failed to point out are the numerous passages in the Pauline epistles where Paul warns against false prophets who preach false doctrines (Rom 16:17; 1 Tim 1:3; Titus 1:9). He encourages his readers to watch their life and doctrine closely. The implication of Paul’s statement is that in order to watch your doctrine you must know it well, so that, “you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another” (Rom 15:4).

Why is it important to wrestle with theology? Because the development of a Godly mind requires thinking through what you believe. As you penetrate the depths of Scripture and create theological positions a renewing of the mind takes place (Rom 12:2).

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